Cervical cancer prevention with HPV vaccine

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Cervical cancer prevention with HPV vaccine

In addition to annual cervical cancer screening, getting the HPV vaccine is an important way to prevent cervical cancer. It should be done at the appropriate age. The vaccine can be given between the ages of 9 and 26. It will help prevent the spread of the infection and prevent re-infection. The 9-valent HPV vaccine is a vaccine that helps prevent HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. It can prevent cervical cancer and genital warts up to 99%. It also helps prevent cancer of the vagina, anus, mouth, and throat.

HPV and Cervical Cancer

HPV is an extremely common sexually ufabet https://ufabet999.app transmitted virus that around 90% of people will have at least once in their lifetime. It is transmitted very easily during sexual activities through skin-to-skin or skin-to-mouth contact of the genital parts of the body.

Most people will never know they have an HPV infection, except when it is found during a cervical screening test. Most HPV infections do not cause symptoms and the body usually clears the infection by itself within 18 months. It is only when an HPV infection is persistent (which means it stays in the body for a long time) that it can cause changes to the cells in the cervix.

Vaccination Program

  • For children aged 9-14 years, only 2 injections are given, with the second injection 6-12 months after the first.
  • For those aged 15-45 years, 3 injections are given, with the second injection at least 1 month after the first, the third injection at least 2 months after the second injection, and approximately 6 months after the first injection.

Preparing for Cervical Cancer Screening

To make cervical cancer screening go smoothly and effectively, you should prepare as follows:

  • Book in advance. Call to make an appointment with a doctor or clinic.
  • Prepare information and record sexual history, menstrual period, medications taken, chronic diseases, and previous surgeries.
  • Before the internal examination, you can eat and drink normally. There is no need to abstain from food and water like during a physical examination because it will not affect the internal examination.
  • Take a shower and cleanse your body.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to remove.
  • You should completely urinate before undergoing an internal examination. 
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for at least 24-48 hours before the examination because it may affect the examination.